It’s all about people.
You understand that better than anyone.
One of the best ways to leverage our skills as filmmakers is through telling stories of transformation. You are in the business of transformation every single day by improving people’s quality of life…but showing your impact in an honest and emotionally driven way is a challenge. That’s where we come in.
Whether it’s:
social content to educate/inspire
a brand story to explain your why
client testimonials to solidify your impact
training videos to educate and help retain employees
Our videos will help your businesses and organizations grow.
Keep changing the world. We’ll show people how you’re doing it.
Film & Video Packages
Brand Film
Why is your organization different? What sets you apart? What problem do you solve for your clients and community? Who are you impacting and how? Let’s spell it out in an emotionally compelling way.
Could be in documentary form (highlighting a specific true story from your business/organization) or in narrative form (like a Super Bowl commercial or short film).
We do a deep dive on your brand and target audience and craft the creative around your goals.
ROI: Increased trust with your target audience.
Training Videos
Time to onboard the new people. Let’s streamline the process.
We shoot as much training material as we can fit into an 8 hour day.
You write the script, we’ll bring the teleprompter and make it look great.
ROI: Save time by automating parts of your training process.
Let’s hear from who really matters in all this: the people you’re serving.
We shoot as many as we can fit into an 8-hour day.
1-3 minutes each.
You bring the happy clients, we make your organization look professional and awesome.
ROI: Increased trust with existing and potential clients and/or funders.
Social Content
Educate. Entertain. Inspire. Build your social media presence and grow your audience.
We shoot as many as you can fit into an 8-hour day.
30-59 seconds each (this allows us to optimize the size for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram/Facebook Reels, and LinkedIn).
Includes custom, eye-catching captions.
You bring the content, we bring the creative.
ROI: Increased brand value by growing your organic reach on social media.